Creative Monster


Posts in Art
The Wash

Once upon a summertime in Berlin, I found a very large canvas on the side of the road, tagged with graffiti. It was still in good shape, so I placed it on the pedal of my bike, took it home, gesso’d and reinforced it. I wasn’t really sure what, but decided I’d paint something on it… eventually. Then, three years and 2000 kilometers later, I finally did.

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Wandering through a random ancient alleyway in Florence in 2015, I discovered a very large piece of street art. After five years, I finally uncovered the original artist(s) and collaborated with them to digitize this black and white paste-up and turn it into a massive chenille back-patch.

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The Monster Easel

One day in May, I decided that I should resume painting. I visited some art shops in Berlin; it seemed to me that all of the models I found were either too flimsy or lacked panache. Thus, I took reference photos and began to plan and construct my own extra large, customized, rolling, adjustable, stable art easel.

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...I discovered two anatomical sculptures made from white clay by an Italian medical professor in the early 20th century. Muscular studies, one was a life-sized extended human arm, lacking skin or fascia textures to allow an understanding of the muscle groups and bone structures hidden inside our bodies. The other piece was a slightly enlarged human foot, Roman in style and no less accurate. I wanted to purchase them both of course, but decided otherwise after eyeing the respective price tags... especially as I estimated that I could very likely sculpt these myself.

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